coffee fest 

Punch Card + Mug
One time

Your $18 donation not only grants you entry into this year's coffee competition but also comes with three exclusive drinks from local shops, a complimentary mug, and supports Le Bonheur Children’s Hospital and Starkville's vibrant coffee community!

✓ Souvenir mug
✓ Support for Le Bonheur Children's Hospital
✓ A sample of custom crafted drink from each shop

mug full of miracles

mug full of miracles

mug full of miracles

mug full of miracles

mug full of miracles

mug full of miracles

mug full of miracles

mug full of miracles

mug full of miracles

mug full of miracles

mug full of miracles

mug full of miracles

mug full of miracles

mug full of miracles

mug full of miracles

mug full of miracles

Punch Card
One time

Your $10 donation not only grants you entry into this year's coffee competition but also comes with three exclusive drinks from local shops, allows you to use last year's mug, and supports Le Bonheur Children’s Hospital and Starkville's vibrant coffee community!

✓ Reuse last year's mug
✓ Support Le Bonheur Children's Hospital
✓ A sample of custom crafted drink from each shop

who, what, when, and why

  • WHO

    Coffee Consumers (you) + World Changers (also you)

    Coffee enthusiasts in Starkville, including college students and community members.

  • WHAT

    A coffee competition between Arepas High Ground, and The Coffee Depot

    Mug holders will sample a crafted drink from each shop (which is included in their purchase of a mug). The shop that receives the most votes will earn the title of Coffee Fest 2025 Winner!

  • WHEN

    Tasting week will take place during the regular hours of operation at local coffee shops from February 17 -February 21

  • WHY

    -to support Le Bonheur Children’s Hospital, engage in the coffee competition

    - to receive a unique complimentary mug

    -taste the unique creations from three of your favorite local shops

mugs, miracles, a lot of coffee.

〰 〰

You know good coffee. We need your help to determine the best coffee.

Buy a mug to support Le Bonheur Children’s Hospital and taste to determine which coffee shop should be the official winner of Coffee Fest 2025