Frequently asked questions.

What happens after I buy a mug?

Once you select “Buy A Mug”, you will be promoted to create an account. Your account is how you will log in to the Membership Page. From there, you will fill out a form to pickup your mug at the designated coffee shop. The membership page is also how you will vote and get your mug filled!

where do i pick up my mug?

Mugs are available for pickup at all of the participating coffee shops. You will pay for your mug online and log in to the Membership Page. Once logged in, fill out the “Pickup my mug” form and select the coffee shop you are picking up at! Show your confirmation to the barista, get your mug, and begin tasting.

Are there any benefits for greek life members?

For the sorority or fraternity that purchases the most mugs, there will receive a $300 coffee tab at the winning shop in January. If you are affiliated with Greek life, select your affiliation on the Membership Page after you log in.

where does the design come from?

The design is drawn by Miracle Kids from Le Bonheur Children’s Hospital. They are previous patients or current patients. They are a reminder of what it means to be strong and are just a few of the beneficiaries of this coffee competition. The heart design comes from Le Bonheur’s logo.